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2 Inch Medium Mortar

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2 Inch Medium Mortar Empty 2 Inch Medium Mortar

Message  Wearing of the Grey Lun 20 Juin - 21:18

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Mortier de 2 pouces (Toffee Apple)

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Canadiens avec le Mortier de 2 pouces

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Musée de Menenpoort

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Musée de Pozieres

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Musée de Zillebeke

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Les premiers modèles étaient adaptés pour une mise à feu via le boutefeu standard de l'artillerie ("T friction tube").
A cause de problèmes d'approvisionnement, ces étoupilles étant réservés prioritairement aux artilleurs, le mortier fut modifié pour
que la mise à feu soit effectuée via un fusil Lee Enfield modifié.

The original design for igniting the powder propellant charge involved the insertion of a standard artillery "T friction tube"
into a hole near the base of the barrel. The Royal Artillery had a higher priority in receiving the already insufficient number
of tubes so ignition was changed to use a Lee–Enfield bolt mechanism and chamber screwed into a socket in the barrel
near the base.
A special blank rifle cartridge was loaded and fired via a lanyard from a sheltered position if possible due to the risk of bombs falling short. This ignited the propellant charge and launched the bomb.

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Provision was made in mid-1916 for attachment of the "Temple Silencer" at the muzzle, intended to reduce the flash
and noise generated on firing, which at the short ranges the mortar operated at was quickly noticed by the enemy
and invited artillery response.
This required the use of bombs with a special piston attached to the tail which was retained in the barrel by the silencer
on firing, and hence sealed the muzzle after the bomb tail left the barrel.
This had the major disadvantage of causing the barrel to overheat during prolonged daylight firing, and the silencer
was only used at night.

Dernière édition par Wearing of the Grey le Dim 3 Juil - 20:38, édité 9 fois
Wearing of the Grey
Wearing of the Grey

Messages : 1100
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2013
Localisation : Nord/Pas-de-Calais

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2 Inch Medium Mortar Empty Re: 2 Inch Medium Mortar

Message  Wearing of the Grey Lun 20 Juin - 21:31

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Wearing of the Grey
Wearing of the Grey

Messages : 1100
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2013
Localisation : Nord/Pas-de-Calais

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2 Inch Medium Mortar Empty Re: 2 Inch Medium Mortar

Message  Wearing of the Grey Lun 20 Juin - 22:10

Les projectiles

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Certains projectiles ont été chargés de toxiques :
It was used to fire some White Star (50%-50% chlorine and phosgene) gas bombs during the Battle of the Somme ....

Dernière édition par Wearing of the Grey le Jeu 6 Oct - 11:31, édité 5 fois
Wearing of the Grey
Wearing of the Grey

Messages : 1100
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2013
Localisation : Nord/Pas-de-Calais

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2 Inch Medium Mortar Empty Re: 2 Inch Medium Mortar

Message  Wearing of the Grey Lun 20 Juin - 22:21

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Wearing of the Grey
Wearing of the Grey

Messages : 1100
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2013
Localisation : Nord/Pas-de-Calais

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2 Inch Medium Mortar Empty Re: 2 Inch Medium Mortar

Message  Wearing of the Grey Lun 20 Juin - 22:33

Charges propulsives - Cordite

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1.5 ounces (40 g)    : 100–220 yards (90–200 m)
2.5 ounces (70 g)    : 180–340 yards (160–310 m)
3.5 ounces (100 g)   : 300–500 yards (270–460 m)

Dernière édition par Wearing of the Grey le Mar 21 Juin - 16:09, édité 2 fois
Wearing of the Grey
Wearing of the Grey

Messages : 1100
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2013
Localisation : Nord/Pas-de-Calais

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2 Inch Medium Mortar Empty Re: 2 Inch Medium Mortar

Message  Wearing of the Grey Lun 20 Juin - 22:34

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Wearing of the Grey
Wearing of the Grey

Messages : 1100
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2013
Localisation : Nord/Pas-de-Calais

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2 Inch Medium Mortar Empty Re: 2 Inch Medium Mortar

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